Links for Educational Technology
https://www.freetech4teachers.com/ - Free Tech 4Teachers - Tips for using technology in the classroom. All the fun apps and tools you can use in your classroom
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vk-4NFRbSL0&list=PL87md46kVANLih9Z_4V2hat6QSRMhV88z – EdTech Schools - Tips and lesson ideas on how you can integrate technology in your classroom
https://www.educatorstechnology.com/ - Educators Technology - a resource of educational tools and mobile apps for teachers and educators
https://edtechmagazine.com/higher/ - EdTech Magazine - The website to explore technology and education issues that IT leaders and educators face when they’re evaluating and implementing a solution
https://powermylearning.org/learn/connect/ - Power my learning - A curation of some of the best educational content on the web made easily accessible, both for students and teachers
https://www.kqed.org/education/ - KQED - The free media literacy teaching and learning hub for educators and students
Professional development videos for teachers
https://www.lynda.com/Higher-Education-training-tutorials/1795-0.html - Lynda.com - Courses teaching educators to handle digital programs or systems like Canvas, Moodle, Office, Brightspace, and so on
https://www.ted.com/playlists/125/tv_special_ted_talks_educatio - TED Talks - The best way to get your teacher game face on point
Professional development teacher reflection resources
https://www.bookwidgets.com/play/ACAPLG – Book widgets - A good source to Include reflection in your lesson plan
https://www.bookwidgets.com/play/t:Pvc04HbjBOIzLb4xPgxa50Kf53zrHT5qLK61W9YKIXc2Qk5WOEY= - Book Widgets – Helps educators to create a teacher reflection survey online